A proud moment for Kadasa Intellectual Property , the Trademark Registration Partner for “SAUDI MADE” Trademark Project

Proud Moment for Kadasa Intellectual Property

In the presence of His Royal Highness Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz, Crown Prince, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense and His Excellency the President of the Republic of Korea Moon Jae, the National Intellectual Property Strategy Program was signed today in the Korean capital Seoul, between Saudi Authority for Intellectual Property and the Korea Intellectual Property Office. According to SIPA President, Dr AbdulAziz Bin Mohammed Al Swailem, the program aims to prepare a national intellectual property strategy that includes a master plan and a five-year implementation plan. The master plan includes a comprehensive analysis of the IP environment in the Kingdom and its vision and objectives for the next five years and the implementation plan includes detailed work plans, targets and key performance indicators for the implementation of the action plans.