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قانون التصميم السوداني رقم 18 لسنة 1974 هو القانون المطبق على الرسوم والنماذج الصناعية في السودان.

مدة حماية التصميم 5 سنوات من تاريخ تقديم الطلب قابلة للتجديد لمدة 05 سنوات أخرى. يمكن تجديد التصميم المسجل لمرتين متتاليتين.

لا يوجد فحص موضوعي للرسوم والنماذج الصناعية.

التصاميم المخالفة للنظام العام والأخلاق غير قابلة للتسجيل في السودان.

  • Contact management
  • Automate repetitive tasks
  • Improve customer retention
Design Right Registration

Trademark Procedures

Saudi Customs has established an internal IPR Unit to assist with enforcement against forged and counterfeit goods by creating a dedicated database for Customs use. It is possible to formally request Customs surveillance to protect trademarks from counterfeiting and infringement, requiring a recordal of relevant trademarks with Customs. This recordal application is submitted through a local agent who holds a Memorandum of Understanding with the Customs Authority.

  • Real-time tracking
  • Customizable reports
  • Commission management

Recordal Benefits

IP rights owners can file multiple applications for the recordal of their rights with Saudi Customs, whether for a single IP registration or for groups of registrations. Copyrighted materials associated with patents, such as pamphlets, manuals, labels, and packaging designs, are also recordable. Customs may intercept goods in transit if suspected of violating IP rights. Recordal with Customs entitles rights holders to immediate notifications from various Saudi Customs ports regarding incoming suspected shipments, allowing them to confirm the status and nature of the goods, thus effectively combating counterfeit goods in the market.

  • Optimize sale strategy
  • Pricing optimization
  • Predict revenue streams
Solid management

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