Kadasa Intellectual Property registers the first sound mark in Saudi Arabia for STC

Kadasa Intellectual Property registers the first sound mark in Saudi Arabia for STC


   Many thanks to His Excellency Dr. Abdulaziz bin Mohammed Al-Swailem, Chief Executive Officer, Saudi Intellectual Property Authority (SAIP), and to Mr. Abdulrahman Alayoni, Executive Director of Trademarks and Industrial Designs at SAIP and to Mr. Abdulrahman A. Alsuraykh, Head of Trademark Department at SAIP for their support in this matter.
Click here to listen to the sound mark.
Kadasa Intellectual Property was also to file the first trademark and patent infringement actions in Saudi Arabia:

First Trademark Infringement Case in Saudi Arabia
Dettol vs. Bettol
Board of Grievance (Commercial Court in Saudi Arabia) ordered the defendant (Aljazirah -Bettol) to pay a fine of SR 50,000, which was the maximum allowed under the Saudi Trademark law. It also ordered that all products, signs, and materials bearing the trademark ‘Bettol’ be destroyed.

First Patent Infringement Case in Saudi Arabia
Merck & Co. Inc vs. Jamjoum Pharma
The five member Patent Disputes Committee formed by the Council of Ministers pursuant to Article 48 of the Patent Act issued under Royal Decree No. M/38 passed its first decision in a patent infringement case filed by Merck & Co. Inc., an international pharmaceutical company.
The case was filed in 2003 by Nassir Ali Kadasa, Legal Advisor, on behalf of Merck & Co. Inc. against Jamjoum Pharma, a domestic pharmaceutical company, for producing Xola and Xolamol, copycats of TRUSOPT and COSOPT of Merck & Co. Inc., two drugs used for the treatment of the eye pressure.

       The Patent Disputes Committee passed its injunction to restrain Jamjoum Pharma from producing and marketing the infringing products. Jamjoum Pharma appealed to Board of Grievances and judgement reversed.